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GameOver Impressions: What's wrong with Final Fantasy XV?

<Warning: Lots of game spoilers ahead>
I just finished Final Fantasy XV last week and after long hours of playing the game, why is it that I have this feeling that is not the same after finishing old Final Fantasy games? Like something feels wrong with Final Fantasy XV. Maybe I'll tackle this stuff that I noticed while playing the game.

Disclaimer, this is just my opinion. Not to be arrogant to bash FFXV masterpiece. I am just a fan missing the old Final Fantasy Spirit.


I don't know if its just their new way of style of storytelling, but it isn't as engaging as the previous titles, yes there are "moments". The way they chopped it off to different media is still not that compelling. The Anime brotherhood does not even feel that it's somehow connected to the story. The anime doesn't feel like FFXV IMO. It's a great gimmick but somehow connectedness is not there. It feels more of a spin-off with the FFXV name on it.

Kings Glaive is a great starter though. Its intense and action packed. I wonder why that feeling was not on the game. As if all the highlights and excitement were left behind on the movie.

There's no sense of urgency in game. As if there's no war. As if no one is waiting for Noctis on the other side of the ocean. The empire is going after Noctis but there were lots of moments that he met with the Final Boss Ardyn and he was even helping Noctis on his quests. So why the hell the empire kepts on following Noctis?? They are just wasting soldiers.

We didn't even see what happened to the empire. Just some tons of documents to tell the story. We don't want to read em  SQUAREENIX. We want you to bring this stories to life. These documents scattered all over the FFXV world were just scripts from your script writers placed on a text box.

Here's a tip SQUAREENIX Staffs, maybe you could just publish an FFXV book that would tell the complete story.

Few characters and All boys party

Yep there are guests characters in FFXV and you can use them for what? 1 chapter of the game and you wouldn't really feel that they are part of your team since they are over powered. You can't even command your teammates to spam magic and skills.

The all boys party has a lot of awkward moments. Looking after each other is part of brotherhood yes, but its just too much for this game.

The world lacks "Life"

Unlike old Final Fantasy games, FFXV is the biggest and most beautiful yet for the series, but it lacks life and character for each town. There's one busy area but its not part of the open world. The world feels life less. There were Final Fantasy games before that doesn't feel lifeless. Every town feels like your on the wild wild west.

The Ending

The Final Boss is not your usual Final Fantasy boss which is most of the time out of this world and nothing you can imagine. Final Fantasy Bosses looks like Gods that looks really impossible to kill that after beating them there's this satisfaction of victory feeling. But in FFXV you get a Dragon Ball style final boss battle and you just keep kicking the Boss's ass the whole duration of the battle. Was there a different ending? Did I missed something??

We all know that the kingdom of Insomnia was wiped out but the ending could  show more of happiness right? Because its now over? I don't know, maybe I want how FF9 ending goes. Its happy and the whole kingdom is rejoicing.

This is just me noticing stuff. I am an avid Final Fantasy fan and yep Final Fantasy XV is a true masterpiece. Its a great game but I wish there's this Final Fantasy spirit living in it. Maybe its a bit more western now.

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